Prof. Yuan-hsiang Chu

Creative Director

Prof. Ying-hui Weng

Form Designer

To incubate advanced design talents for innovation, research and planning: In accordance with the educational philosophy of STU, our mission is to coordinate with the needs of the nation's development in the design industry of culture and creativity and digital content, and to conform to the purpose of the based setting. We cultivate professionals of advanced design with abilities to create, research, develop, plan, execute, as well as to broaden their perspectives on technology, art, culture, and the world.

Symbol to Realize
the School Mottos:



樹德科技大學 校歌
作詞:鄭時宜 作曲:陳和昌
薈萃燕巢首先當 校樹青青橫山崗
學術知性快樂希望 春風化雨新主張
跨世紀 啟新航 莘莘學子共擔當
躍過往 宇軒昂 巔峰超越同開創
深耕易耨 常沃土 豪氣獨步前程路
勇對鵬程 萬里路 充滿希望展翅飛
樹德 樹德 樹德精神永傳述
樹德 樹德 樹德精神永傳述

Lyrics by ZHENG, SHI-YI
Composed by CHEN, HE-CHANG
Be the first to gather in Yan Chao
A campus with luscious green land and Hengshan hills
“Academic, Intellectual, Happy, and Hope”
A new perspective in salutary influence of education
Trans-century Set a new sail
Student are sharing responsibility
Let go of the past and reach the top with imposing presence
Devote efforts and walk with pride
Face the obstacles with boldness and let the future be bright
SHU-TE SHU-TE SHU-TE spirit is eternal
SHU-TE SHU-TE SHU-TE spirit is eternal