International Students (Freshman)

*International Students include Hongkong and Macau students.

Application Procedure:

Scholar's Duties and Responsibilities

The scholarship recipients must render 36 hours of on-campus service per semester.

ongoing International Students
(Sophomore - Senior)

*International Students include Hongkong and Macau students.

Application Procedure:

Application Requirements:

  • Grade average per semester should be at least 60% for BA and 70% for MA.
  • At least 70% conduct grade per semester.
  • Accomplish 36 hours of on-campus service per semester.
  • No record of misconduct.
  • Scholarship registration per semester should be completed.

Scholar's Duties and Responsibilities

The scholarship recipients must render 36 hours of on-campus service per semester.

Application Form

  1. 碩、博士班:大陸 985 工程畢業生以本校為第一志願者,奬助全額學雜費。(每年約新台幣 10 萬元)
  2. 學士班:當年度所報考省分普通高等學校招生統一考試(以下簡稱高考文化課),成績高於該省市本科一批分數線 50 分,並以本校為第一志願者,奬助全額學雜費,並核給每月生活津貼新台幣 1 萬元整。(每年約新台幣 22 萬元)
  3. 當年度所報考省分高考文化課成績達該省市本科一批分數線,並以本校為第一志願者,奬助全額學雜費。(每年約新台幣 10 萬元)

Grant period

  1. 就讀大學部者至多奬助四年
  2. 就讀碩士班者至多奬助二年
  3. 就讀博士班者至多奬助三年,必要時得申請延長一年,休學期間,不得支領。

Application Procedure:

  1. 符合本校奬學金請領資格者,請於當年度大學校院聯合招生大陸地區碩博士班及學士班報名期間,將學生入學報名表以掃描方式製成 PDF 檔,寄至本校國際及兩岸事務處(;經分發錄取本校,並完成本校報到流程後,於開學後五週內,向本校國際及兩岸事務處提出申請,逾期未申請者,視同放棄本奬助學金之申請權利。

other scholarships

Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC)

The OCAC provides overseas student scholarships, work-study grants, and study support allowance, medical emergency money, insurances, national health insurance subsidies, overseas student society and publication subsidies; and handles various overseas student activities, student loan guarantees, and graduate entrepreneurship loan guarantees.

Ministry of Education (MOE) Scholarships

The Ministry of Education (abbreviated below to “MOE”) has formulated the Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions (also known as the “Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines”) to encourage outstanding international students (with the exception of students from the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau) to undertake degree studies in Taiwan to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan and promote communication, understanding, and friendship between Taiwan and the international community.